5-Day Jumpstart

5-Day Jumpstart


If you are looking for support from other health minded women, this is the place to start!

Join this fun 5 day wellness session to get you going in the right direction to meet your wellness goals.

Each Jumpstart will have a different focus but will be offered in a fun interactive manner so that you can join in along with other participants who are focused on making lifestyle changes with the help of these interactive daily health sessions and prompts.


These are the private sessions I offer! They can be in-person or virtual. Check out which one best fits your needs!

L.E.A.N. Start

Raising kids can be overwhelming. There are so many facets to parenting. We all want to give our children the best possible start in life, which includes understanding these 4 pillars of health:

Lifestyle - how we live
Exercise - how we move
Attitude - how we think
Nutrition - how we eat

L.E.A.N. Start Sessions

  • Session 1 Traffic Light Eating and Portion Control 

  • Session 2 Breakfasts and Grains 

  • Session 3 Veggies and Fruit 

  • Session 4 The Skinny on Fat 

  • Session 5 Power up with Protein and Play 

  • Session 6 Water Your Body 


The cost for these private individual coaching sessions is $35/session, via Zoom or in person.


If you choose to sign up for all of them at one time, you will get the discounted rate of $149.95 for all 6 sessions.


For groups of 3 or more, the individual session cost is $24.95 per person per session. If the whole package is purchased at the same time for the group setting, the discounted cost is $129.95. 


L.E.A.N. Start workbook — $10
Children’s Workbook — $3
Healthiest Kid in the Neighborhood — $15


Hands On Activities

The L.E.A.N. Start program uses an easy to understand format with hands on activities to help parents navigate through the 4 pillars of health with ease.

• It is taught in 6 sessions via Zoom or in person.

• Each session stands alone but are best taken in the order presented here.

• Individual or group clients can choose which sessions are preferred and can also mix the sessions with ones from the Prime Time Health program if desired.

• It’s really all about you and your family and where you are in your health journey.


A handy workbook is available for a small extra price to reinforce the information shared during each of the L.E.A.N. Start sessions. It is recommended but not required to participate in any of the sessions.

Also, Dr. William Sears book, The Healthiest Kid in the Neighborhood, compliments and expands on the information presented during the sessions. It can be purchased through me or online. 

You can go to askdrsears.com for additional parenting advice and to find out more information about Dr. William Sears.

Learn More

Prime Time Health

No matter what age you are, and no matter what your health goals are, Prime Time Health is for you.

Dr. Sears says that Prime Time is the 2nd half of life.

For some, this begins in your 30’s. For others not until 50’s or 60’s. It’s all a matter of personal choices. Everyone can benefit from the information in these 9 healthy aging sessions.

Prime Time Health Sessions

  • Session 1:  Make Your Own Medicine

  • Session 2:  Pills and Skills Model of Health 

  • Session 3: Make Health Your Hobby 

  • Session 4: Grazing on Good Foods 

  • Session 5: Move Waste From Your Waist 

  • Session 6: Move More 

  • Session 7: Live Without Pain and Inflammation 

  • Session 8: Eat Real Food 

  • Session 9: Don’t Worry, Be Happy


Each Prime Time Health private individual coaching session is $35/session, via Zoom or in person.


The entire package can be purchased together for the discounted price of $189.


Sessions for 3 or more people are available at the group price of $24/person per session or $149/person for the whole series.


Each individual or group session includes the four Prime Time Health workbooks that coincide with the session material.


Aging is Changing

In America, most adults have been impacted in some way, usually negatively, by the SAD—Standard American Diet—lifestyle. “As we age” becomes the mantra, but what it means is determined by the choices we make.

• For many years, scientists believed that as we age, brain cells die out, and we are not able to replace them. This has proven to be a false way of thinking.

• We have also been taught that as we age we are not able to improve our muscle strength. This has also been proven wrong. People in their 80’s and 90’s have been able to be in better health than those in their 50’s and 60’s.

Prime Time Health shows us how to make the right choices, at the right time, to grow older with grace, dignity, and improved physical, mental, and emotional health.

My question to you ..

What do you want to be doing 5 years from now? 10 years? Or even 20 years? What would hold you back from doing those things? What would you be willing to do to achieve those personal goals?

In-Home Pantry Makeover or
Grocery Shopping Adventure

This is a great starting point for anyone who wants help in thinking through their current budget, health, and nutritional choices.

In Home Pantry Makeover

This 1 ½ hour private session works through the basics of label reading, “traffic light eating” techniques, and healthy substitutions.

We’ll also discuss menu planning tips and healthy grocery shopping ideas. 

We can meet in-person at your home or virtually via Zoom with digital handouts available to make the process easy and fun.


Cost for either In Home Pantry Makeover or Grocery Shopping Adventure is $35.

Grocery Shopping Adventure

Let’s meet at your favorite grocery store in the Birmingham, AL area for a 1 ½ hour private grocery shopping session.

We’ll talk about healthy substitutions and grocery shopping tips.

This is fun for children to participate in as well and we can visually show all the options in traffic light eating.

We will do hands on label reading and comparison of different brands available in your favorite store. 

Mini Session

Make health your hobby!

This is a one time, stand alone, 1 ½ hour private session via Zoom or in person.

This intro session contains some of the key information from the L.E.A.N. Start or Prime Time Health programs. Your choice!

It is a shortened version that includes basic tips in the areas of Lifestyle, Exercise, Attitude, and Nutrition.


Cost for this one-time private individual coaching session is $35.


Group sessions can be scheduled for groups of 3 or more at a discounted price of $24 per person. 

Virtual Course

The virtual course sessions are prerecorded by the Dr. Sears Wellness Institute

  • Offered at specified time periods.

  • They can be viewed 24/7 at your convenience during the course period.

  • You can be anywhere in the world and participate in these sessions.

Use promo code VIRTUAL50 for $35 discount.


Choose either Lean Start or Prime Time Health Online Coaching for $85.

This includes

  • Weekly coaching calls via Zoom and over the phone coaching calls with health coach as needed.

  • Digital materials for each session.


You must choose either L.E.A.N. Start or Prime Time Health when signing up for the online sessions. See the individual descriptions under sessions to determine which would best suit your needs.

In general, the L.E.A.N. Start sessions are ideal for adults with children. The Prime Time Health sessions are good for adults of all ages. 

Once you are registered for the online sessions, you will receive a log in code and password that gives you access to the material prior to the scheduled start date.

  • What is a Health Coach

    We all have one body to maintain and one life to live. The choices we make along the way affect our physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional health. All of these combined make us who we are. But in my experience, every day is a do over!

    I often have friends and clients who need encouragement along the way in their health journey. They call or text me for advice. We set up appointment times to talk through whatever aspect of their health that they are concerned about.

    As I coach others, I also remind myself of the reasons behind why we need to take care of our bodies.

    We get to start fresh every morning, regardless of the choices we made yesterday. So if you are in need of a makeover, or if you just want to tweak and maintain where you are, set up a consultation today and we can get started together in taking the Dare to be Healthy Now challenge!

    Making healthy lifestyle choices one day at a time!
