
What is a Health Coach?

A health coach helps you take control of your health now and helps you learn to make healthy lifestyle choices one day at a time!

We all have one body to maintain and one life to live. The choices we make affect our physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional health. All of these combined make us who we are. But in my experience, every day is a do over!

I often have friends and clients who need encouragement along the way in their health journey. They call or text me for advice. We set up appointment times to talk through whatever aspect of their health that they are concerned about.

As I coach others, I also remind myself of the reasons behind why we need to take care of our bodies.

We get to start fresh every morning, regardless of the choices we made yesterday. So if you are in need of a makeover, or if you just want to tweak and maintain where you are, set up a consultation today and we can get started together in taking the Dare to be Healthy Now challenge!

How it all started |

My interest in attaining better health began as a prayer.

I was standing at the foot of my mother’s hospital bed and asked God simply to not let me turn out like her.

At the time, I was in my late 30’s. I was very similar to my mother physically. Everyone could tell I was her daughter because we looked a lot alike. She had developed adult-onset asthma and repeatedly ended up in the hospital due to her inability to breathe.

The answer to this prayer has come in phases.

  • I was first led to a better understanding of my need for more vitamins and minerals through supplementation. That was over 25 years ago. Then I was introduced to a company called Enrich International (now Unicity) which led me to an appreciation of the use of herbal supplements and the benefits that micronutrients from plants give to the human body.

  • My training took a more nutritional turn as I learned the importance of choosing organics when possible and avoiding toxic substances.

  • Then in the summer of 2019, my husband and I were introduced to the concept of a more plant-based diet and how many health issues can be avoided when we eat less meat and more vegetables.

Then the Covid 19 Pandemic hit |

When the Covid 19 pandemic hit, we tried even harder to keep our immune systems up and running. In the middle of that, we both began using a whole food supplement (Juice Plus) that led me to focus on eating well and understanding how the human body was gloriously and magnificently created to function in a healthy manner when given the right things through the food we eat, the air we breathe, and the way we live.

Training to become a Certified Health Coach |

I have had many years of training through conferences, webinars, seminars, and books offered by a number of health and wellness companies that I have been associated with. In the fall of 2020, I was on a Zoom call hosted by someone who was a certified health coach. This intrigued me! After some research, I decided that being a health coach was the next part of God’s answer to my prayers. 


I began the certification and training process through the Dr. Sears Wellness Institute in January 2021 and completed it in mid-March. I am now certified in two areas - Adults and Families and Adults in the Prime Time of life. I am excited to share the information that I have learned with those who are wanting to improve or maintain their health and wellness. I have all of the resources available to coaches through the Dr. Sears Wellness Institute for use in my coaching sessions as well as information that I have gleaned from more than 25 years of studying health and wellness. I offer both group sessions as well as more individualized one-on-one appointments.  

My Passion |


My passion is to help other people reach their goals. I believe that the human body was created with the ability to heal itself.

There is a place for medicine but there is also the place of taking responsibility for your own health. My body functions best one way while someone else’s body functions best under different circumstances.


We are part of a whole person which means that it is important to look at ourselves from a physical, mental, and spiritual viewpoint.

Each one of us was uniquely created and each one can take the current scientific information that is available about health, wellness, and nutrition to decide what is best for his or her own self. There are many aspects to health which are intertwined with each other. No one part can be separated from the rest.

My role as a health coach is to encourage, motivate, and walk alongside my clients as a coach and mentor, in a positive and encouraging manner, without shame or guilt, to help them achieve their health and wellness goals.