
Health coaching to help you take control of your health today!

New Book!

New Book!

A Scripture Based
Wellness Journal

Embark on a transformative 7-week health journey with the "Dare To Be Healthy Now Scripture Based Wellness Journal."

Delve into my personal health story and discover the seven pillars of health that shaped my lifestyle. This comprehensive journal, featuring two pages of daily prompts for five days a week, guides you to evaluate and improve various aspects of your well-being—diet, sleep, stress management, physical activity, and time planning.

Engage in scripture-based prayers for holistic wellness and commitment to healthier living. As we face rising health challenges, this thought-provoking and user-friendly journal is your key to a healthier you. Jumpstart your journey today!


I am so glad you are here! 

Healthy lifestyle choices matter so much! I’m passionate about exploring the lifestyle choices we make.

I love offering encouragement and guidance to others who are on their path towards better health using my own experiences and health coach training.

Along with my role as health coach, I am also a mother, grandmother (“Noni”), and wife of 40 years. When I have a free minute, I love being at the lake with my family and friends (or watching a sunrise at the beach!)

No change is too small to start on your journey to better health, and I am excited to be a part of your next step.


A certified health coach comes along side you on your health journey to help you reach your health goals.

After just one session, you’ll feel more in control of your lifestyle, health choices, and wellness goals!

Different SEASONS. Different SESSIONS.

No matter where you are in your life, taking control over your own health is important.


L.E.A.N Start

L.E.A.N. Start is a fun, interactive and educational program that is perfect for parents or anyone who works with children.

It is broken down into six workshops focusing on the four pillars of health: Lifestyle, Exercise, Attitude, and Nutrition (L.E.A.N.).


Prime Time Health

Prime Time Health is a 9 session course in healthy aging.

Learn how to keep your bodies “pharmacy” open, move more, reduce inflammation and much more.

In Home Pantry Makeover or
Grocery Shopping Adventure

One 1.5 hour session to go through your pantry or the grocery store to identify better ingredient options and take control over your eating at home.



Mini Session

1 1/2 hour quick start session on the basic principles of making health your hobby.

Health tips to add years to your life and life to your years.


Virtual Course

An online “do it at your own pace way” of learning simple ways to boost healthy living.

Join a growing community of individuals learning about healthy living with 24/7 access to the Dr. Sears’ Wellness Institute L.E.A.N. Start and Prime Time Health courses.


Begin your six week virtual course!

Juice Plus

One easy way to help you start getting the improved nutrition that your body needs is through the addition of whole food Juice Plus products to your daily diet.

Learn more at kbley.juiceplus.com

“Sometimes it’s as simple as eating more blueberries!”